KFAG signed a tenancy agreement with Quadron Services for 8 half plots at Kingston Road allotment site on 19th October 2011.
This site has a Plotholders' Association although it is not voluntary managed. The Kingston Road Allotment Association (KRAA) meets regularly and all plot holders are encouraged to join. The site liaison volunteer (SLV) is its Chairperson; she is also a member of the KFAG committee as the representative for KRAA and is closely involved in the allotments projcect. The involvement of the SLV and their support is vital to the sucess of the project.
We prepared the paper work; information sheets, plot holders' tenancy agreement and invoice documents.
Each plot holder has a tenancy agreement with KFAG enabling us to collect the rents and monitor progress of the plots according to the conditions set out in their agreement. This contains the usual clauses as in the standard Quadron agreement but also includes, as a condition of continued tenancy, cultivation of plots to a specified level within a certain time.
Work should start on the plot within 1 month of the start of the tenancy; a minimum of 50% of the plot to be worked in the first year and crops grown, the whole plot to be worked by the end of the second year with crops grown. Any area left uncultivated during the first year to be kept under control to prevent further deterioration of the land. The agreement has a clause protecting the plotholders' tenancy when the land transfers back to Quadron at the end of the project. The project was under way! Next...... |